Distance: 9 km
Elevation gain: 750 m↓ / 900 m↑
Details: Blue Grotto ‐ Lighthouse – Mt. Solaro – Anacapri 
Difficulty: T/E    
Path type: mule tracks, paths on stone and dirt paths

Capri - Natural Arch - Pizzolungo

On the Piazzetta you're surrounded by crowds of tourists, after a minute or two, you're in a peaceful little lane, with only the sea, the sky and the island’s nature. That's Capri for you! This itinerary takes you from the Piazzetta, if you are not in a hurry, first to Villa Fersen, then you pass Villa Jovis and afterwards you enter Parco Astarita to enjoy the outstanding view points before reaching the Natural Arch and walking along the spectacular Pizzolungo coastal path that draws to a dramatic end close to the Faraglioni rocks.

The walk starts in the Piazzetta of Capri to reach the crossing with Via Tiberio to follow the way up to the villas and the parc before, and then proceed along Via Matermania until you arrive at Piazzetta dell'Arco Naturale. Besides the restaurant’s terrace, you'll find a steep flight of steps which leads down to the Grotta di Matermania, in Roman times, was merely a luxury nymphaeum. From the cave, the path continues along the coast of Capri, passing by the occasional solitary villa and spurs of rock from where to enjoy unique views of the island and the sea which surrounds it.
By far the most impressive of the seaside homes along the route, Villa Malaparte dominates the promontory of Capo Masullo. The walk concludes at the Punta Tragara viewing point, from where you can quickly reach the center of Capri, walking a romantic pathway lined with elegant villas and luxury hotels, which leads to the island's famous luxury shopping street and again to the crowds of tourists.

Anacapri - Napoleonic Forts

There is a walking path along the coast between the Blue Grotto and the Lighthouse, called the Path of the Little Forts, or The Old Walk of the Forts. Both ends of this 6 km trail can be reached by bus, but the hike is easier if you start at the lighthouse and walk to the Blue Grotto rather than the reverse. If it's possible, time it to watch the sunset. Schedule about 3 hours for the hike and note that while tour boats are going in and out of the cave you can not swim there – but wait until 5 pm and you’ll likely be allowed to jump into the sea for a unforgettable swim.

Anacapri - Monte Solaro

Monte Solaro is Capri’s highest point and as you can imagine offers spectacular views. Schedule about 1 – 1.5 hours for the hike, or take the chairlift, which is just a 12 minute ride and which you can take up or down. There are a few trails up, but the easiest is from the main square in Anacapri: head towards the Villa San Michele, but before reaching the villa, take a narrow road to your right signposted “Monte Solaro”, and follow it to the top (which is visible the entire time anyway). Once up there, don’t rush down: you’ll have a 360 degree view and you can see the Bay of Naples and the Amalfi Coast on the Bay of Salerno. So take time to have a drink or to have lunch on top and enjoy the priceless panorama.

Botany: mediterranean scrub, heather, euphorbia, true myrtle, orchids in spring,..
Fauna: birds of prey (kestrel, peregrine falcon, buzzard, raven, sea gull,..) migratory and sedentary birds and insects, butterflies , reptiles ( lizards , harmless snakes ), small mammals

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